Meet the team

Qajuqturvik Community Food Centre’s operations are managed by a team of people who share the vision and values of our community.

Our current open job offers:

Please click on a card below to learn more about our current positions


Board of Directors

Jessie Hale

Executive Director, Nunavut Association of Non-Profit Orgs

Jessie began volunteering with Qajuqturvik shortly after she moved to Iqaluit in November 2019. She also volunteers with Frontier College and Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line and is one of the cofounders of Nunavut Theatre Company. Jessie spends her free time reading, cooking for friends, and walking her dog.

Taqialuk Peter

Executive Assistant, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Taqialuk Peter was born and raised in Iqaluit. She was QCFC's Peer Advocacy Coordinator before joining the board. She believes in connecting to the land to reflect and refresh and that nourishment through country food is something that Inuit should have on a regular basis.

Jane Tagak

Former Teacher

Jane has lived most of her life in Nunavut, currently residing in Iqaluit. She is a retired teacher and has volunteered with QCFC for many years.

Curtis Mesher

Articling Student

Curtis is an articling student with Maliganik Tukisiniarvik, working in the criminal law division. He is from Kuujjuaq, Nunavik. Curtis enjoys being out on the land, film photography and painting. Aside from his involvement with Qajuqturvik Community Food Centre, he also coaches kids basketball in Iqaluit.

Leigh Ann Phillips

Manager, Isaccie Adult Group Home

With over 30 years of experience working in the food security and housing sectors in southern Canada, Leigh Ann now manages Iqaluit’s adult group home where she continues to educate herself on the barriers impacting the community's ability to access nutritious, affordable food – and particularly country food.

Current Staff

Joseph Murdoch-Flowers

Co-Executive Director

Joseph attended culinary school at L'Institut de Tourisme et d'Hôtellerie du Québec, and law school at McGill University in Montréal, and has worked as both a lawyer and a cook. He invites you to come to Qajuqturvik and eat a meal with him.

Francine Doucet

Co-Executive Director

“I love how our culture and values connect us through food and the togetherness we experience,” Francine says. Francine is an Inuk born and raised in Iqaluit. As an advocate for Inuit, Francine brings experience working for government and non-profit in areas of public service for Inuit, including in poverty reduction, housing and food security.

Nancy McPhee

Program Director

Nancy has held many roles and worn many hats over the years at QCFC. Along with some baked goods she also provides the team with much-needed humour. Nancy currently holds the position of Program Director.

Joanne Manning

Administrative Assistant

Mary Pijamini

Community Programming Coordinator

Maria Coates

Fundraising Coordinator

Maria has 15 years experience in non-profit development and fundraising for arts, culture, technology and social impact organizations. Maria is a Uruguayan-Canadian so it might not be surprising that her favourite food is empanadas.

Tracey Helmer

Finance Officer

Tracey has been working across the North, mostly in Nunavut,for over a decade. She has worked for airlines and other non-profits. Herfavourite food is anything our kitchen manager Erin is cooking, and soups.

Erin Lyons

Kitchen Manager

Thomas Rohner

Communications Coordintaor


How you can help

The support we receive from our community has a direct impact on hundreds of Iqalummiut on a daily basis. You can help us in the following ways: